Volunteer Information
Are you interested in volunteering at the Zionsville Farmers Market? Please use the link below to sign up for a space. If you have any questions, please email farmersmarketzionsville@gmail.com
What do volunteers do?
Volunteers help out with setting up and taking down the market. They help vendors if needed and help sell t-shirts. They help direct people and answer any questions. They help the Market Manager get everything done so that Market can run smoothly.If there is an event, volunteers also help with those! Sometimes, our volunteers even help people carry pumpkins and watermelons to the car.
What time/days can I volunteer?
Please click the volunteer button to see available days and times.
Can I get community service hours for school?
Of course! If you have a specific form, please bring it to market. The Market Manager can also verify hours after they have been served via email.
What do I wear/bring?
Great question! Please dress for the weather. We will give you a name tag identifying you as a volunteer. Please bring water (and snacks, if you want). Wear cozy shoes. I also recommend a hat or sunscreen.
What is the policy on weather?
We are a rain or shine market. In the case of severe weather, such as a severe thunderstorm in the vicinity, we will temporarily suspend the market and resume when the storm has passed. Any temporary closures will be announced on Facebook and Instagram. Please make sure to follow us on social media for our most up to date weather information.